Photoshop Tutorials Basics

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Generate Amazing Text FX
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Create AMAZING Text FX Online!

Generate your own amazing, photoshop quality text effects online!

Discover Adjustment Layers
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Discover Adjustment Layers

An introduction into adjustment layers and your different options of using adjustments to either alter or not alter pixels themselves. Adjustment layers are instantly editable and disposable. This is for anyone who wants control over enhancing their

The Liquify Tool
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The Liquify Tool

A complete overview of every single option in the very powerful and useful liquify tool.

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Learn about editing in quick mask mode.

Selection Modification
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Selection Modification

Learn how to use the different options of the magic wand and other different tools to do some advanced selection modification to end up with your final result (such as a person separated from a background).

Discover Path Editing
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Discover Path Editing

Don't let the pen tool or paths intimidate you anymore. Finally learn how to create and edit a path with the pen tool.

Photoshop Tips
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Photoshop Tips

Learn some Photoshop 7.0 tips and tricks.

The Anatomy of an Action
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The Anatomy of an Action

Learn the basics of the actions palette.

Smudge & Liquify Tools
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Smudge & Liquify Tools

Learn how to smudge and liquify pixels to create some bizarre or practical effects.

Layer Effects
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Layer Effects

An introduction into what you can do with layer effects and how to use the dialog box.

ImageReady Patterns
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ImageReady Patterns

Basic introduction into creating and using ImageReady patterns.

Layer Masks
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Layer Masks

Knowing how to use the Layer Mask is one of the most professional and powerful things a Photoshop user or designer can know. It is key to making many styles of graphic design. Learn how to use it in this step-by-step tutorial.

Layer Mask Explained
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Layer Mask Explained

Adobe Photoshop layer mask explained. Learn about what it is and how to use it properly.

Creating Custom Shapes
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Creating Custom Shapes

In this tutorial three different ways are shown to help create your own custom shapes.

Discover the Brushes Palette
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Discover the Brushes Palette

Learn how to use the Photoshop brushes palette and its options.
